Animal Shelter in Search of a Rural Farm in Europe

Animal shelter looking for a farm in EuropeFoundation La Paloma is a non profit animal Shelter that works to see recognized the right to life, freedom, and welfare of non-human animals.

We are looking for a rural farm within Europe, we are based in The Neteherlands but willing to relocate if neccesary, our budget is very but very small so small that in fact we are still fundraising to try to get the funds to make this goal come true, and we are looking for a short-term solution for our situation that is critical, we need to move to a safe place our rescues product of 8 years of hard work in this field.

Most of them are disabled pigeons  with permanent neurological signs of diseases suffered in the past. We appeal to animalists and animal lovers, and animal right defenders around the world to find a rural farm as soon as possible.

The land must not be located in an area of ​​flooding or other natural disasters or bordering with hunting territory,  and must have access to basic services like electricity and water.

If you have a small piece of land for sale  that can serve us please contact us through  WhatsApp or our contact page.

Foundation Permanent Shelter the Pigeon

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Acerca de Refugio La Paloma

Fundación Refugio a Paloma.